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Group Exercise: Review for Examination 1

Pose a question about the conceptual material that we've covered so far. Your question should be one that can be correctly answered in a single paragraph. Make a case for why we should include this question on the exam.


> describeBy(V162110,V161310a)

Descriptive statistics by group
group: 0
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range
X1 1 659 64.33 45.07 70 65.08 28.17 0 998 998
skew kurtosis se
X1 13.34 276.7 1.76
group: 1
vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min max range
X1 1 2933 79.68 39.55 85 81.27 22.24 0 999 999
skew kurtosis se
X1 16.89 393.98 0.73

Are Whites more in favor of police than other groups?
Whites are more favorable of police than non-whites. Because white people are more involved with the governing of states and local authorities. Because police is more racially tolerant of white people than non white.

What is probability? How do you explain it? What do the numerical values represent?\

What is the difference between mean and median when you are analyzing data? When do you reference one rather than the other?


When measuring Central Tendency, what should you use to describe what is typical?

What are feeling thermometers? What do they indicate?
- Feeling thermometers are test scales in surveys that are used as metaphors. The more favorable you are the warmer you are. Can be used as a key term, as a dependent variable.

1. What type of variable ARE NOT useful for comparison between groups?

Nominal variables are NOT useful in descriptive statistics because in order to compare, or predict a relationship/co-variance between two variables one needs either numeric or ordinal/categorical variable. A dependent variable must be a numeric variable.


What is the importance standard deviation?